ARC CBBC Community Event 2024

Community Event 2024 small

We are happy to invite the entire ARC CBBC community to the annual ARC CBBC Community Event on 15 October 2024 in Utrecht! At the bottom of this page, you can find the registration form.

During this event, attendees from academia and industry from the ARC CBBC community all across the country get the opportunity to meet and present their work. Also, some new interactive elements have been added to this year’s program. So: an excellent opportunity to meet fellow researchers, exchange expertise and get up to date with the latest developments of the ARC CBBC research!

During the day, lunch, dinner and drinks will be provided. We also hope many of you will join us for dinner to end the day on a relaxed note.

Poster sessions
As you can see in the program, we will have poster sessions towards the end of the Community Event. We highly recommend all PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers to participate in these poster sessions with your own poster, since this is a unique opportunity to present your work to scientists from both academia and industry. In addition to this, representatives from the Scientific Advisory Board will be attending. So don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Please note that, even though this is an event for only for the ARC CBBC community, your poster needs to be approved through Permission to Publish (, with the regular approval time. We would like to ask you to use the ARC CBBC poster template for your posters, which we will share with you in a separate e-mail.

Final details will be shared via e-mail a few weeks before the event. Also, keep an eye on this calendar item on the website for the latest updates.

Please be reminded of the fact that attending the Community Event is mandatory for all ARC CBBC PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers.

For questions regarding the ARC CBBC Community Event, you can reach out to

We look forward to seeing you in Utrecht!

The program of the ARC CBBC Community Event 2024 is as follows:

Starting time Activity Speakers

09:00 Entry

09:15 Welcome

09:30 Lecture Atsushi Urakawa (TUD)

10:00 Interactive breakout sessions Atsushi Urakawa (TUD), Peter Bolhuis (UvA)

Emiel Hensen (TU/e) & Monique van der Veen (TUD)

10:45 Coffee break

11:15 Lecture Bas de Bruin (UvA)

11:45 Interactive breakout sessions Michael Lerch (RUG), Matteo Monai (UU), Nikolay Kosinov (TU/e) & Eline Hutter (UU)

12:30 Lunch break

13:15 Lecture Ellard Hooiveld (WUR)

13:45 Interactive "meet the R&D" sessions Representatives from industry

14:45 Coffee break

15:00 Poster sessions

16:30 Drinks

TBA Dinner (expected to finish around 21:00)

Registration ARC CBBC Community Event 2024