Thursday 12 December 2024, 12.00 – 18.00 hrs
Venue: Social Impact Factory (Vredenburg) Utrecht
Innovations in the field of electrochemical conversion and materials (ECCM) offer promising technical solutions for achieving the transition to a carbon-free energy system. Yet for these technical innovations to be successfully implemented in society, addressing their socio-ethical dimensions is an important concern from a responsible innovation perspective. How can we ensure that urgently needed innovations for the renewable energy transition align with public values and are socially responsible and sustainable? On Thursday 12 December, NWO invites researchers from diverse backgrounds to discuss how aspects beyond the technical realm should be grappled with when designing new electrochemical processes for a sustainable future.
Keynote lecture TU/E Sustainability Ambassador Prof. dr. ir. Anna J. Wieczorek gives a lecture about Responsible innovation in the energy transition. Energy transition is about a radical change of both production and consumption of energy. Firms alone won’t make it. Technological advances alone won’t make it. We need active engagement of users and society at large and both social and technical innovation towards sustainability. In her talk Anna will share her experience with transdisciplinary research with citizens and energy communities and discuss a difficult process of democratising energy system.
For more information and registration check our website here.