New ways to do chemistry - Emerging technologies for synthetic methodology

Brussels, 24 - 26 April 2023
(ULB - Campus Plaine - Solvay Room)

In the spirit of Ernest Solvay, the Solvay Institutes invite world leading scientists in the field of synthetic methodologies that is currently undergoing a revolution thanks to emerging chemical technologies. Five sessions are foreseen:

SESSION 1: AI-assisted synthesis

SESSION 2: Photo/electrochem Electron transfer

SESSION 3: Automated synthesis, robotics

SESSION 4: High throughput/flow, microfluidics

SESSION 5: Theory, data analysis/predictive reaction development

Scientific and Organising Committee

Gert Desmet (VUB, Belgium)
Ben Feringa (U. of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Yves Geerts (ULB, Belgium)
Patrick Maestro (Solvay SA, Belgium)
Hennie Valkenier (ULB, Belgium)

Information and Registration: Click here
Attendance is free of charge but registration is required (limited space).
April 10, 2023 is the deadline for registration.