5 July 2021
n June the second online ARC CBBC summer school was held. Paul Rudenko from Shell gave a lecture about Valuation and R&D investments followed by a workshop about diversity and inclusion given by Laura Coello, the latter sparked a lively and interesting discussion!
Both Alumni Jiangtao Lu (TU/e) and Alexander Parastaev (TU/e) were given a podium during the summer school by giving a lecture for their former colleagues.
On the second day René Bos and Dominik Unruh introduced our PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers to Industrial Chemical Reaction Engineering. The course was meant as a prelude to a hands-on course to be held in November at the premises of Shell. The workshop in November is already fully booked!
Michael Boot CEO of Vertoro gave a talk about start-ups. What do you need to know when you think about a start-up? What steps do you need to take?
The last day of the summer school was dedicated to the ARC CBBC’s unique infrastructure. The ARC CBBC labs and equipment at the three hubs (TU/e, RUG and UU) are available for all PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers.
Tenure track assistant professors Ina Vollmer (UU), Matteo Monai (UU), Michael Lerch (RUG), Sebastian Beil (RUG), Nikolay Kosinov (TU/e) and Marta Costa Fiqueiredo (TU/e) shared a visual impression of the lab facilities, equipment and research. Have a look at these fun video’s The (re)cycle of life: synthesize bio-based and bio-inspired materials (RUG), Watch your catalyst come to life (UU) and Looking into technical details (TU/e).
Finally everybody joined in Gather Town where a virtual poster session was held. It was great fun to virtually walk around and chat with each other.
Thanks everyone for your active participation and special thanks to our tenure track assistant professors for helping us organize the third day dedicated to the ARC CBBC labs! Hopefully next year we will all see each other live again!