A warm welcome to our new PhD candidates! We would like to introduce them to you.
David Reus (TU/e; left photo) was born in the north of the Netherlands, in a village called Venhuizen. He obtained his BSc. in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry and his MSc. in Chemical Engineering, both at the TU/e. In his master’s he focused on Chemical Process Technology with a focus on modelling. During his MSc. thesis he investigated an energy minimization method to predict the equilibrium shape of wet agglomerates, to evaluate the evaporation surface area, at the SMM group. In April 2024, he started his PhD at the same group to develop and study a continuous reactor for the pyrolytic decomposition of methane to hydrogen and functional solid carbon. In his free time, he likes playing games, cooking, puzzling and going for a run.
Iwan Verduijn (UU; middle photo) obtained his Bachelor's degree in Chemistry at the University of Utrecht. For his Bachelor's thesis, he investigated the effect of calcination conditions on a bifunctional iso-oleic acid conversion catalyst, in collaboration with Cargill. He obtained his Master's degree in Nanomaterials Science at the University of Utrecht as well, this time performing his thesis on the halogen-induced product selectivity effects in electrochemical CO2 reduction. Building on his knowledge on the synthesis and characterization of catalysts, he performed an internship at the University of Antwerp, where he developed a novel plasmon-hybrid heterojunction photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution and CO2 reduction. In October of 2024, he joined the Inorganic Chemistry & Catalysis group in Utrecht to develop high-pressure operando X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption setups for long-term measurements on CO2 hydrogenation catalysts.
Martijn Hoving (RUG; right photo) grew up in Appingedam, The Netherlands before moving to Groningen for his studies. During his BSc studies at the University of Groningen, he conducted a thesis project in the group of Loredana Protesescu, working on novel materials for Li-ion batteries. Following that, Martijn pursued a MSc degree in chemistry at the same university. There, he conducted his thesis research at the group of Sebastian Beil, developing novel photocatalytic methylation reactions. Afterwards, he conducted a research internship at CSIRO Energy in Australia, working on a novel method to produce perovskite solar panels. In June 2024 he started his PhD at the University of Groningen under the supervision of Ben Feringa, focusing on the development of novel redox flow battery materials.