A warm welcome to our new PhD candidates! We would like to introduce them to you.
Roy Maas (UU, left photo) has started his PhD in the Weckhuysen Research group at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis (ICC) funded by the Advanced Research Center - Chemical Building Blocks Consortium (ARC CBBC). His research will focus on radical initiated plastic cracking over solid acid catalyst particles. In the run-up to this project, Roy finished his Masters in the Energy & Sustainability track with a double specialization in Research and Science Based Business (SBB). Together with his Bachelor project at the University of Uppsala (Sweden), he worked on (photo)electrocatalysis on Metal-Organic frameworks and on Liposomes. Outside of laboratory research he investigated the adoption of the hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles as part of the effort of Air Liquide to develop hydrogen fuel stations for transport.
Tianbo Duan (UvA) obtained his BSc in Applied Chemistry in Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. His research project was about homogeneous catalysis in hydrogen borrowing reaction. After his undergraduate degree, Tianbo came to the Netherland and persuade his MSc at University of Amsterdam. During his master, he conducted his research on dye-sensitized photoelectronchemical cells under the supervision of Prof. Joost Reek. In November 2023, Tianbo started his PhD in the same research group under the supervision of Prof. Bas de Bruin, with a project focusing on free radical polymerization of thick coatings.