17 August 2022

We congratulate our programme director prof. Hans Kuipers from our hub university Eindhoven University of Technology, who has been awarded with the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant!
The ERC Advanced Grant is only awarded to “exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions”, and who are “active researchers who have a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years.”
Prof. Kuipers receives 2.5 million Euros to invest in his project around catalytic three-phase reactors. Read more about the grant and his project here.
From lab to plant
This prestigious grant is a great opportunity to share this fascinating interview with prof. Kuipers on our 2021 Lustrum Event. He spoke about how the process of making hydrogen from methane can be made more sustainable, and how he wants to contribute to greener chemistry in the future altogether.
Watch the video of prof. Kuipers at the Lustrum Event below.