16 August 2022

ARC CBBC PhD candidate Morteza Hadian (TUe) published his work in Chemical Engineering Science!
Usually, the production of hydrogen from methane produces CO2 as a byproduct. In order to fight climate change, it is crucial to decrease CO2 emissions wherever possible. Morteza studies how the synthesis of hydrogen from methane can be performed without producing CO2 as a byproduct, but instead making useful carbon nanomaterials as a byproduct. To achieve this, he studies the ThermoCatalytic Decomposition (TCD) method.
In the past, methods regarding the TCD method have been studied, but not in the way that Morteza studied it. He studied the process in the light of upscaling and the challenges that this may bring. He studied a so-called fluidized bed reactor in conditions that resemble possible future industrial conditions. He studied the influence of different parameters on the reaction, and analyzed how the reaction progresses over time.
You can find the full publication here.
Alongside his research, Morteza made a podcast series about other projects in ARC CBBC related to his research. Starting today, every two weeks a new episode of the six-part podcast series will be published! In each episode, he has a conversation with a guest who works on projects involved with methane, one of the greenhouse gases.
Below, you can listen to the introduction and the first episode of the podcast series. In the first episode, he has an interesting conversation about methane and its resources with Henneke de Vries from Shell!