Batuhan Özyürek
PhD candidate
University of Groningen
Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
Contact information
Linnaeusborg 5172.0935
Email address
Key expertises
Organic synthesis, homogeneous supramolecular catalysis, photochemistry, polymer chemistry
About me
Batuhan was born and raised in Arnhem, The Netherlands. He received his BSc degree in Chemistry and MSc degree in Molecular Chemistry at the Radboud University Nijmegen. During his studies he has performed internships at the Molecular Nanotechnology department researching, where he synthesized a supramolecular catalyst and investigated its catalytic properties for enantioselective epoxidation of olefins. Additionally, Batuhan has performed an industrial internship at Allnex in Wageningen, where he investigated γ-hydroxybutenolide monomers at a potential alternative to oil-based acrylic acid. In January 2024, Batuhan started his PhD in the group of Ben Feringa, where he will investigate trigger elements incorporated in coatings and adhesives to control adhesion on-demand.
About my research
Repair, reduce, reuse. Three key elements which are required to limit the amount of valuable resources needed and to enable a sustainable and circular future. To ensure these three key terms are carried out in practice, it is especially relevant to make this process as easy as possible. This is for example relevant for adhesives and coatings, which are designed to be tough and strong for the application they are used in. However, this impedes recycling purposes of the substrate (i.e. the material which is coated). During the PhD, various trigger elements will be incorporated into coatings and adhesives to promote delamination and allow for more efficient recycling of valuable materials.
Academic career
PhD candidate
2024 – current: PhD candidate in the Ben Feringa Research Group at the University of Groningen under the supervision of prof. dr. Ben L. Feringa.
2020 – 2023: Master’s in Molecular Chemistry finished at Radboud University Nijmegen. Research internship performed at the Molecular Nanotechnology department in the group of prof. dr. R.J.M. Nolte, developing a supramolecular catalyst for binary data storage on polymers. Additionally, an industrial internship was performed at Allnex Wageningen researching γ-hydroxybutenolides as a green alternative to acrylic acid.
2017 – 2020: Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry finished at Radboud University Nijmegen. A research internship performed at the Molecular Nanotechnology department in the group of prof. dr. R.J.M. Nolte in the form of a literature thesis and research proposal regarding chiral catalytic metal complexes for the enantioselective epoxidation of olefins.
Awards and scientific honors
Received the ‘Jong Talent Aanmoedigingsprijs Discipline Scheikunde’ awarded by the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW) in Haarlem in 2018.