Eline Hutter
Assistant professor
Utrecht University

Contact information
Vening Meineszgebouw C 2.11
Email address
Key expertises
Perovskite, Heterogeneous catalysis
About me
After obtaining my master’s degree in physical chemistry from Utrecht University (2014), I realized that being a chemist gave me the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable future at a very fundamental level. This brought me to the group of Dr. Savenije at Delft University of Technology, where I investigated the optoelectronic properties of halide perovskites for solar cells. During my PhD research, I went to Stanford University as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar to explore the synthesis of non-toxic halide perovskites. After obtaining my PhD cum laude (2018) I joined the group of Dr. Ehrler at AMOLF as a postdoctoral fellow to investigate the stability of mixed-halide perovskites against phase segregation using pressure-dependent spectroscopy techniques. In 2020, I became a tenure-track assistant professor at the Utrecht University hub of the ARC CBBC.
About my research
It fascinates me how much energy is provided by (sun-)light, and I am curious to find out how we can use the interactions between materials and light to e.g. store solar energy, initiate chemical reactions or understand fundamental properties of materials or reactions. I find it satisfying to combine my fundamental interest with topics that contribute to a more sustainable future. My long-term research goal is to understand which non-toxic materials have the potential to use the energy from sun- or indoor light to generate electricity or deplete air pollutants such as CO2 or pathogens. These materials could then be used to add unique functionalities to coatings.
Academic career
Tenure-track position
2020 – to date: Tenure-track assistant professor at the Utrecht University hub of the Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium (ARC CBBC)
Postdoctoral Experience
2018-2019: Postdoctoral fellow in the group of Dr. Ehrler at AMOLF (NL)
Early Stage Researcher
2018: PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from Delft University of Technology (cum laude) under the supervision of Dr. ir. Tom Savenije (NL)
2017: Fulbright Visiting Scholar in the group of Dr. Karunadasa at Stanford University (USA)
2014: Master degree in Chemical Sciences (cum laude) from Utrecht University (NL)
Awards and scientific honors
Martinus van Marum prize (2019) from the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW)
Veni research grant (2019) from the Dutch Research Council (NWO)
Fulbright research grant (2017)
Mechanistic Insights into the Photocatalytic Indigo Carmine Dye Decolorization by Co3O4/TiO2
M. Graaf, N. Godec, B. Kappé, R. Grote, J. Flapper, E. Hutter, B. Weckhuysen
Which Ion Dominates the Temperature and Pressure Response of Halide Perovskites and Elpasolites?
L.A. Muscarella, H.J. Jöbsis, B. Baumgartner, P.T. Prins, D.N. Maaskant, A.V. Petukhov, D. Chernyshov, C.J. McMonagle, and E.M. Hutter
Conduction Band Tuning by Controlled Alloying of Fe into Cs2AgBiBr6 Double Perovskite Powders
H.J. Jöbsis, K. Fykouras, J.W.C. Reinders, J. van Katwijk, J.M. Dorresteijn, T. Arens, I. Vollmer, L.A. Muscarella, L. Leppert, and E.M. Hutter
Bifunctional Europium for Operando Catalyst Thermometry in an Exothermic Chemical Reaction
B.J.P. Terlingen, T. Arens, T.P. van Swieten, F.T. Rabouw, P.T. Prins, M.M. de Beer, A. Meijerink, M.P. Ahr, E.M. Hutter, C.E.J. van Lare, and B.M. Weckhuysen
Halide Double-Perovskite Semiconductors beyond Photovoltaics
L.A. Muscarella and E.M. Hutter
Traps in the spotlight: How traps affect the charge carrier dynamics in Cs2AgBiBr6 perovskite
V.M. Caselli, J. Thieme, H.J. Jöbsis, S.A. Phadke, J. Zhao, E.M. Hutter, and T.J. Savenije
Favoring the Methane Oxychlorination Reaction over EuOCl by Synergistic Effects with Lanthanum
B. Terlingen, R. Oord, M. Ahr, E. M. Hutter, C. van Lare, B. M. Weckhuysen