Francesco Mattarozzi

Francesco Mattarozzi

Postdoctoral reseacher
University of Utrecht

Francesco Mattarozzi



Contact information

David de Wied, 4th floor

Email address

Key expertises

Electrochemistry, CO2 conversion, silver nanostructures

About me

I started my bachelor’s degree in Universita’ Statale di Milano in 2013, followed by a Master degree in 2016. During my Master thesis I had the pleasure to work on selective hydrogenation catalysts for reaction both in liquid phase and gas. In 2018 I started my PhD, and I am now working on electrocatalysis for CO2 reduction. Personally, I have different interests, ranging from science (especially applied to climate change) to art.

About my research

My research project is focused on the electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide. The product of this reaction can be used in combination with hydrogen to form synthesis gas, that could be converted to hydrocarbons and synthetic fuels. In a broader prospective, this project aims to reuse CO2 by using green electricity as driving force, to close the carbon cycle. My work includes the synthesis and analysis of electrode material useful for CO2 conversion. The exciting part of my work is that I have the possibility to work on a new and green technology that has the potential to solve the climate issue. The main goal for my future is to keep working on solutions for climate change, as I believe it is and will be a huge challenge for our society.