Hugo den Besten

Hugo den Besten

University of Groningen

Hugo den Besten


Stratingh Institute for Chemistry

Contact information

Nijenborgh 4 – 5116.0033

Email address

Key expertises

Spectroscopy, homogeneous catalysis, coatings, reaction monitoring, organic synthesis

About me

I grew up in Scheemda, a small village in the north-east of the Netherlands. In my spare time you can find me at least three times a week in the gym. My other hobbies include riding my motorcycle and sailing, both preferably when it is warm and sunny. After graduating cum laude with a master’s in Chemistry, I started my PhD in May 2020 in the group of prof. dr. W.R. Browne.

About my research

In my research I focus on replacing the reactive diluent (styrene) in ‘vinylester’ – ene-monomer resins. In our group we use in-situ spectroscopy to follow polymerization and to gain a better understanding of the reaction. This knowledge is used in our efforts to find a suitable replacement for styrene. The great thing about my research project is that we can use a broad range of spectroscopic techniques (e.g., Raman, UV-vis, FTIR, EPR, NMR spectroscopy), as well as more classical testing methods such as DSC, tensile testing, gel-time measurements. The close connection with our industrial partner and regular meetings helps progress considerably and the immediate industrial relevance of the project is something that really motivated me both to get started and to succeed in this project!