Imke Bartels
PhD candidate
University Groningen

Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
Contact information
Linnaeusborg 5172.0852
Email address
Key expertises
Carbohydrates, electrochemistry
About me
I was raised in Bergen, a village close to Alkmaar, the Netherlands. I moved to Groningen where I received my BSc and MSc degrees in Chemistry with the focus on both inorganic chemistry and carbohydrates. In October 2022, I started a PhD at the University of Groningen in the group of prof. dr. ir. A.J. Minnaard within the ARC CBBC program. Besides chemical research, I enjoy playing hockey, skiing, reading and playing golf with my father.
About my research
My research aims to achieve site-selective functionalization of unprotected carbohydrates making use of electrochemical and photo-redox approaches. The selective conversion of carbohydrates is challenging, and will be addressed with photo-redox catalysis and electro synthesis, as these approaches are extremely useful for the development of new, direct and functional group compatible bond functionalization methods. Addressing selectivity issues is a major challenge in such C-H functionalization reactions where similar C-H bonds are present. Careful determination of the site- selectivity of a specific electrochemical reaction in a series of different substrates, will give insight in the mechanism of these electrochemical transformations, which will provide an in-depth understanding of the factors governing the site- selectivity in carbohydrates and thus providing guidelines for tuning of this selectivity.
Academic career
Early Stage Researcher
2018-2022: Master degree in the group of Molecular Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Groningen, under the supervision of prof. dr. E. Otten
ARC CBBC publications
Practical Site-selective Oxidation of Glycosides with Pd(OAc)2/Neocuproine
N. Reintjens, I. Bartels, N. Marinus, S. Massmann, D. Bunt, M. Walvoort, M. Witte, and A. Minnaard