Martijn Hoving
PhD candidate
University of Groningen

Feringa group, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
Contact information
Feringa Building 5616.0427
Email address
Key expertises
(Photo)catalysis, Organic Synthesis, Electrochemistry, Battery Technology, Materials Chemistry
About me
I grew up in Appingedam, The Netherlands before moving to Groningen for my studies. I received my BSc and MSc degree in chemistry, focusing on green chemistry, smart materials, and catalysis. In June 2024 I started my PhD at the University of Groningen under the supervision of Prof. Ben Feringa, focusing on the development of novel redox flow battery materials.
About my research
In redox flow batteries (RFBs) energy carriers are dissolved in solvents rather than stored in electrodes. This decouples energy storage (e.g. reservoir volume) from power delivery components (e.g. electrode area), potentially leading to lower cost per kWh for long duration energy storage. The use of dissolved charge carriers imposes intrinsic limitations on the technology, which have negative effects on the overall energy density, stability, and costs. In order to mitigate these limitations, one approach is to make use of rechargeable solids in RFBs. My project focuses on developing such solid capacity boosters to enable novel RFB systems with improved energy density and stability compared to the state-of-the-art.
Academic career
PhD Candidate
2024- current: PhD candidate in the group of Prof. Dr. Ben Feringa at the University of Groningen.
MSc in Chemistry
2021-2024: Master’s degree in Chemistry, University of Groningen
Master thesis under the supervision of Dr. Sebastian Beil, working on photocatalytic methylation of nitrogen containing heterocycles. Internship at CSIRO Energy, Australia working on mechanistic investigation of a novel perovskite chemical vapor deposition process.
BSc in Chemistry
2017-2021: Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, University of Groningen
Bachelor thesis under the supervision of Dr. Loredana Protesescu, working on novel Li-Ion Battery materials.