Morteza Hadian
Eindhoven University of Technology

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Contact information
Helix (building 14) – room STW 0.27
Email address
Key expertises
Multiphase reactor modeling, reactor engineering, CO2-free Hydrogen production, Process engineering
About me
I grew up in my home town, Tabas (Iran), until the age of 18. I earned my BSc and MSc in chemical engineering at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. I started as an ARC-CBBC member in early 2019. Football (both playing and watching), photography, adventurous cycling, travel and technology are my biggest interests.About my research
Currently, I am working on the catalytic decomposition of methane. Within this process, methane with the help of solid catalysts converts to hydrogen, which is a clean fuel, and nanocarbon materials, which are valuable materials with many applications, without emitting CO2. This is a very complex and hard to design process and my role is perform an experimental proof of concept in a fluidized bed and multiscale modeling of the process. The outcome of this process will make this technology one step closer to be used by industries. The final goal is to make non-pollutant hydrogen fuel, and light and strong building materials to be used for instance in vehicles. My project is closely coupled with the projects of Suzan Schoemaker and Tom Welling.Academic career
Guest Researcher
2017- 2019: Guest researcher in the group of Chemical process intensification at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. Under the supervision of Prof. M. v. Sint Annaland.
2015- 2017: Researcher in the chemical engineering department at University of Tehran, Iran. Under the supervision of Prof. R. Sotudeh-Gharebagh.
Master student
2012- 2014: Master student in the chemical engineering department at Sharif University of Technology, Iran. Under the supervision of Prof. J. Shayegan.
ARC CBBC publications
Comparative analysis of a batch and continuous fluidized bed reactors for thermocatalytic decomposition of methane: A CFD-DEM-MGM approach
M. Hadian, J.G. Ramírez, M.J.A. de Munck, K.A. Buist, A.N.R. Bos, J.A.M. Kuipers
Modeling of a catalytic fluidized bed reactor via coupled CFD-DEM with MGM: From intra-particle scale to reactor scale
M. Hadian, M.J.A. de Munck, K.A. Buist, A.N.R. Bos, and J.A.M. Kuipers
An overview of production of hydrogen and carbon nanomaterials via thermocatalytic decomposition of methane
M. Hadian, K.A. Buist, and J.A.M. Kuipers
Kinetic study of thermocatalytic decomposition of methane over nickel supported catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor
M. Hadian, D. P. F. Marrevee, K. A. Buist, B. H. Reesink, A. N. R. Bos, A. P. van Bavel, J. A. M. Kuipers