Nikolay Kosinov

Nikolay Kosinov

Assistant professor
Eindhoven University of Technology

Nikolay Kosinov


Chemical engineering and chemistry

Contact information


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Key expertises

Porous materials, heterogeneous catalysis, spectroscopy

About me

I performed my PhD studies in Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, The Netherlands) in the field of inorganic membranes. From 2014 until 2017, I performed postdoctoral research in the Inorganic Materials Chemistry research group at TU/e. In 2017 I continued with a postdoctoral research at TU Delft in the Inorganic Systems Engineering group. In April 2018 I was appointed as assistant professor at the Inorganic Materials Chemistry research group at TU/e.

About my research

My research is aimed at the synthesis, advanced characterization and applications of novel microporous catalytic materials. The areas of interest involve unconventional transformations of natural gas (methane) and CO2 to liquid fuels and chemicals.