Rens Kamphorst
PhD candidate
Technical University Delft

Chemical Engineering – Product and Process Engineering
Contact information
Applied Science – 2E.480
Email address
Key expertises
Fluidization, atomic layer deposition, particle technology, stability of dispersions
About me
Before starting my PhD in Delft, I studied Chemical Engineering in Rotterdam (BSc) and later in Delft (MSc). I grew up in the small village Oostvoorne (Netherlands), which is near the coast. In my free time I like to hang out with friends, watching movies and sailing.About my research
The project I am involved in is about depositing nano-coatings on particles. We do this in order to change the surface properties of the particles, without affecting the bulk properties. This means that we can, for instance, change the stability of a particle in water. The coatings are applied by a method called ‘atomic layer deposition’. In the project I try to collaborate with colleagues, both of the TUD and from outside, to gain as much knowledge on methods and techniques and a fresh perspective on science as a whole.Academic career
Master thesis
2020-2021: Master degree in the group of Product and Process Engineering at Technical University Delft, The Netherlands. Under supervision of Prof. G.M.H. Meesters
ARC CBBC publications
On the structure of nanoparticle clusters: effects of long-range interactions
R. Kamphorst, M. Theisen, A. Bordoloi, S. Salameh, G. Meesters, R. van Ommen
Enhancing colloid stability of polymer microspheres in water through SiO2 coating: Effects of coating cycles and surface coverage
R. Kamphorst, P. Wanjari, S. Saedy, J.F.K. van Dam, A. Thijssen, P. Brüner, T. Grehl, G.M.H. Meesters, and J.R. van Ommen
The Mechanism behind Vibration Assisted Fluidization of Cohesive Micro-Silica
R. Kamphorst, P.C. van der Sande, K. Wu, E.C. Wagner, M.K. David, G.M.H. Meesters, and J.R. van Ommen
On the fluidization of cohesive powders: Differences and similarities between micro- and nano-sized particle gas–solid fluidization
R. Kamphorst, K. Wu, S. Salameh, G.M.H. Meesters, and J.R. van Ommen