Rik Bennis

Rik Bennis

PhD candidate
University of Amsterdam

Rik Bennis



Contact information

Science Park 904, E1.14

Email address

Key expertises

Crosslinking, polymer chemistry, homogeneous catalysis and coatings.

About me

I attained my master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Amsterdam and VU University (joint degree). Throughout my master's project, my concentration was on designing and developing an iron catalyst capable of catalyzing the conversion of azides to N-Heterocycles at room temperature. Outside of my academic pursuits, I enjoy playing football and spending time with friends and family.

About my research

At the start of 2024, I began my journey as a PhD candidate under the supervision of Prof. Bas de Bruin in the Homogeneous, Supramolecular, Bio-Inspired Catalysis group. My research focuses on the crosslinking of coatings using highly reactive carbene intermediates through photochemistry. During my master's project, I gained experience in nitrene chemistry, and I am eager to explore carbene chemistry as well!