Sarina Claudia Maßmann
University of Groningen

Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
Contact information
Linnaeusborg 5172.855
Email address
Key expertises
Organic synthesis, homogenous catalysis, cross-linking, carbohydrate chemistry
About me
I was born in 1992 in Höxter, Germany, where I grew up in a little village being a lot in nature. During my chemistry studies in Jena (GER), I was involved in different projects within academia but also in industry. After finishing my studies, I was working some time at Symeres BV (Groningen, NL). Then I joined the CBBC flagship for waterborne coatings in October 2018 as a PhD-candidate with Prof. Adriaan J. Minnaard (university of Groningen).About my research
As member of the waterborne coatings flagship, I am working together with other PhD-students and Post-docs on sustainable alternatives for polymer-based coatings, lacquers and packaging. I personally focus on the functionalization and cross-linking of polysaccharides.Academic career
2018-2022: ARC CBBC flagship on waterborne coatings, under the supervision of Prof. Minnaard
Associate Scientist
2018: Medicinal chemistry and organic synthesis at Syncom BV (now: Symeres)
Research Intern
2018: Internship in organic chemistry at Syncom BV (now: Symeres)
Teaching assistant
2016-2018: Teaching assistant for practical courses for undergraduate students
Master studies
2015-2018: Master degree in the field of total synthesis at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, under the supervision of Prof. Arndt
Quality management
2017: Certificate for quality management (by the Thuringian State Office in Germany, DIN ISO 17025)
Research intern at Bayer in Wuppertal
2016: Internship in medicinal chemistry at Bayer labs in Wuppertal
Assistant researcher
2014: Evonic project together with Schubert group (university of Jena)
2013: Certificate for toxicology and law for scientist (by the Thuringian State Office in Germany)
Bachelor studies
2012-2015: Bachelor degree in the field of polymer chemistry at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, under the supervision of Prof. Schubert
Research intern in analytical chemistry at the university of Höxter
2010: Internship in analytical and bio-analytical chemistry
Awards and scientific honors
Presentation prize
2022: Best oral presentation during ARC CBBC community event
2012: Best chemistry diploma of Gymnasium Brede in 2012 & therefore, free membership for the society of German chemists (GdCh)
ARC CBBC publications
Regioselective palladium-catalysed aerobic oxidation of dextran and its use as bio-based binder in paperboard coatings
S.C. Maßmann, G.A. Metselaar, D.J. van Dijken, K.J. van den Berg, M. Witte and A.J. Minnaard
Practical Site-selective Oxidation of Glycosides with Pd(OAc)2/Neocuproine
N. Reintjens, I. Bartels, N. Marinus, S. Massmann, D. Bunt, M. Walvoort, M. Witte, and A. Minnaard
Formation of substituted dioxanes in the oxidation of gum arabic with periodate
H.S. Siebe, A.S. Sardjan, S.C. Maßmann, J. Flapper, K.J. van den Berg, N.N.H.M. Eisink, A.P.M. Kentgens, B.L. Feringa, A. Kumar, and W.R. Browne