Sven Weerdenburg
PhD candidate
Delft University of Technology

Chemical Engineering / Catalysis Engineering
Contact information
Applied Sciences (B58) - E2.240
Email address
Key expertises
CO2 hydrogenation, plasmonics, photocatalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, spectroscopy
About me
I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Science & Technology at Delft University of Technology and Leiden University, and then continued with the master Chemical Engineering in Delft. As of September 2022, I am a PhD candidate in the group of Monique van der Veen in the Catalysis Engineering section. Outside of work I like to go swimming, running and travelling.
About my research
My research is focused on plasmonic catalysts for light-driven CO2 hydrogenation. The aim is to find the optimal combination of catalytic material for efficient CO2 conversion. With ultrafast spectroscopy in the visible and infrared spectral region we will monitor charge carrier dynamics and the formation of products and reaction intermediates. We aim to use this technique to distinguish the hot electron effects from the photothermal effects and to unravel the reaction mechanisms. This valuable information could help us to develop better photocatalysts which would bring us a step closer to sustainable CO2 hydrogenation.
Academic career
PhD candidate
2022-present: PhD candidate at the Catalysis Engineering section at Delft University of Technology, under supervision of Dr. M.A. van der Veen
Master’s student
2020-2022: MSc in Chemical Engineering (cum laude) at Delft University of Technology.
Thesis (2022): “A Theoretical Study on Charge Carrier Multiplication in 2H-MoTe₂” under supervision of Prof. dr. L.D.A. Siebbeles
Bachelor’s student
2015-2019: BSc in Molecular Science and Technology at Delft University of Technology and Leiden University
Thesis (2019): “Synthesis of a Photocleavable Block Copolymer” under supervision of Dr. R. Eelkema