Thomas Freese
University of Groningen
Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
Contact information
Linnaeusborg 5172.09.935
Email address
Key expertises
Heterogeneous catalysis, photocatalysis, coatings, X-ray spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy
About me
From 2011-2014 I worked at the Remmers Group in Löningen, Germany and became a chemical laboratory technician, where I focused on different types of (waterborne) coatings for wood/floor/furniture and treatments for restoration and construction of buildings. After that I obtained my BSc and MSc degree in Chemistry at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen. I joined the Feringa group in 2019, where my PhD is focusing on sustainable catalysis and materials.About my research
My research project focuses on the production of H2O2 and H2 through photocatalytic splitting of water. In view of climate change and the energy transition towards wind and solar energy, hydrogen will play a key role. My research focuses on the photocatalytic production of hydrogen from water in a one-pot approach. Avoiding explosive gas mixtures of oxygen and hydrogen (created from the splitting of water), I try to convert O2 directly to H2O2 in addition to the production of H2. For this I am utilizing several homogeneous/heterogeneous catalyst systems to achieve on the one hand a higher efficiency for H2 production as electrolysis and on the other hand a more sustainable production for H2O2 as the anthraquinone process.Academic career
PhD candidate, Chemistry
2020-today: PhD candidate focusing on sustainable catalysis and materials for the production of H2 and H2O2 from water under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ben L. Feringa and Shell (Amsterdam).
Master of Science, Chemistry
2017-2020: Finished the studies at the University of Göttingen, Germany and came to the University of Groningen, the Netherlands as exchange student to work on a joint research project between the Feringa group and the group of Katalin Barta (University of Graz, Austria) on molecular motors and derivatization of lignocellulose. The main master research project was conducted after on the development of functionalized biobased polymers/coatings in the group of Prof. Dr. Ben L. Feringa (University of Groningen) in collaboration with AkzoNobel (Sassenheim), CBBC and Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann (University of Göttingen).
Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
2014-2017: Synthesis of novel N-heterocyclic silylenes for catalytic applications in the inorganic chemistry department in the group of Prof. Dr. D. Stalke (Georg August Universität, Göttingen)
Chemical Laboratory Technician
2011-2014: Development of different types of coatings (water based, organic based and polymers for wood/floor/furniture) and treatments for restoration and construction of buildings at the Remmers Group in Löningen, Germany.
ARC CBBC publications
The relevance of sustainable laboratory practices
T. Freese, N. Elzinga, M. Heinemann, M. Lerch, B. Feringa
Iron oxide-promoted photochemical oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
T. Freese, J.T. Meijer, M.B. Brands, G. Alachouzos, M.C.A. Stuart, R. Tarozo, D. Gerlach, J. Smits, P. Rudolf, J.N.H. Reek, and B.L. Feringa
An organic perspective on photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide
T. Freese, J.T. Meijer, B.L. Feringa, S.B. Beil
A sustainable polymer and coating system based on renewable raw materials
J.G.H Hermens, T. Freese, G. Alachouzos, M.L. Lepage, K.J. van den Berg, N. Elders, and B.L. Feringa