Ordered Mesoporous Carbon/Graphene from Methane and Well-Ordered 3D-Structured Catalysts

Well-ordered graphene materials are e.g. usable as catalyst support and many other applications (batteries, CO₂ capture etc) and thus of high value. Our aim is to use well-defined and 3D structured supraparticles (SPs) of catalytic iron(cobalt) oxide nanoparticles (NPs) to significantly increase the yield per gram of catalyst. With this porpuose, the mechanism of the well-ordered carbon formation is going to be study in detail. The catalyst supraparticles are also (strongly) magnetic and are therefore relatively easily recoverable at low cost after synthesis.

We are going to convert already existing methodologies to generate well-ordered mesoporous graphene by using SPs of catalyst NPs and methane as the carbon source instead of the ligands. Binary supraparticles, having Au cores next to the ironoxide NPs, are going to be used for surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) studies , next to high-resolution gass-cell TEM studies of the chemical conversions towards graphene. We will also investigate the modification of part of the SP surface in order to prevent deactivation and direct the conversion into graphene.
